All rights, title and interest in this Dinner and/or Mystery Game Product, including its accompanying user documentation and other intellectual property rights, are owned by Mystery Wizards and are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
Purchase of one of our products authorizes you use it on a single computer at a time.
You may use the product on another computer but not multiple computers at one time without purchasing multiple products. You may make a back-up copy of the product for your personal back-up purposes only.
Our products are not intended for commercial use and may not be used for financial gain.
We warrant that the product will provide the features and functions generally described on our website at the time of purchase and in the product documentation.
The Media in which the Product is provided, will be free from defects.
We do not warrant that the product or your ability to use it will be free from error.
Technical support is available from Mystery Wizards for those who have purchased copies of this product. For further information, please see our Customer Support page.